الاثنين، 27 سبتمبر 2010


life is so overrated 
they say a lot about it 
it is sweet, joyful blah blah blah
but actually it is not, it is dull and it's not fair and it sucks
I mean they say ones twenties are the best years in the whole life, if those are the best I don't want to see the worst.
in the past I've endured life knowing that there is something better is hidden out there, just for me, no one can take it away, because my name is on it, it's my fate or my right, call it what you want but I really believed it.
and then it hit me, I finally understood, there is nothing out there for me, not for you, not for anyone
I've hated myself most of my life for being me, at first I didn't like my personality very much, when I decided to do something about it to make life better, to take what is out there and is mine, I started to hate myself for having my body, not the way I look, I don't care very much how I look like, we don't get to choose what we look like and since I was young I learnt that looking good is not something to be proud of, and not having the looks in the family is nothing to be ashamed of either; I hated my body though because it is weak.
every time I go to the doctor, he would tell me that there is nothing wrong with me, but you know what there hell is something wrong with me; when you are unable to do the most basic things in life just because you get tired and exhausted so fast is not normal, when going to work feels like torture to your body it is not normal, 
and when I'm in my twenties and I feel pain from the waist down all the time, that sucks
when you wish every day for the sweet release of death and it always eludes you, that's frustrating.