الاثنين، 24 نوفمبر 2008

Dear Diary

Dear diary
do you know what I hate most?
when people act as if I'm immune to emotions.
where did they got this stupid idea of 'mighty, strong, uncaring' me?
all I wish for is treating me as a normal person, and when I act weak or vulnerable they understand that I'm weak and vulnerable.
I hate it soooooooooooo much when I need comforting and find myself the one comforting others.

الأحد، 16 نوفمبر 2008

يوميات تلميذ فاشل

"انت يابنى عملت الواجب"
"لسه يا بابا"
"و مستنى ايه سعادتك لما تكتبه فى الحلم قوم انجر هات كتبك و حاجتك واقعد اكتب الواجب لحسن اقوم اقطعك"
"حاضر يا بابا" يقوم جرى يجيب الشنطه و يقعد نص ساعه يطلع فى الكشاكيل والكتب
"انا هاخرج اشترى حاجات ارجع الاقيك مخلص الواجب لو لقيتك لسه بتتلكع فى عمايله هاقطع الخرزانه على جتتك"
يخرج الاب و يجلس الابن لمشاهده التليفزيون والكتب امامه

اخوه واخته يشوفوه
"اعمل الواجب و خلص و بعدين اقعد اتفرج براحتك"
"وهو هيخلص فى سنته ده زى السحلفه فى عمايل الواجب, مش فالح غير فى اللماضه وبس"
"انا مش عليا النهارده غير خمس اسأله بس"
"طب انجزهم فى السريع علشان تعرف تتابع براحتك"

بعد نص ساعه يتنبه الاخ والاخت على صوت اخيهم الصغير و هو يقول
"الحمد لله"
"ايه؟ خلصت ؟ مش ممكن يظهر اننا ظلمناه"
"كل ده بتحل فى الخمس اسأله دول؟ دول يتحلوا فى خمس دقايق يابنى"

رد اخوهم "خلصت اول سؤال فاضل اربعه"

الخميس، 13 نوفمبر 2008


Am I stupid for believing that things will be better someday
Am I a fool to wait for it to be better
I've always believed that someday everything will be better
maybe it will, maybe it won't
but even if it won't at least I deserve to enjoy the short moments of happiness, Alas there is always something that chases the joy away
I only hope that someday I'll know what is it like to be truly happy

الأربعاء، 12 نوفمبر 2008


what is so hard about making a choice
is trying to make the right choice
I mean you could make any choice
if you don't care about the consequences
but as long as you care
you try to make the best choice
but usually it is hard to decide which choice is better
because all of them are bad

there is also something else
what if what you thought was the best choice turned out to be the worst one of them all
just because you over looked something
or underestimated something
or overreacted towards something

or maybe what you believed to be true, turned out to be false
or what you thought is right, turned out to be wrong

with all those questions,
how do we have the courage to make a choice ?